How I Met Your Coach…

Most of the coaches at CFSTC started as members. Each with very different stories on how they began thier journey.

This is Ryan Barr’s story!

Thanks to my friend Tim (The Puma), 5 years ago today, I was lucky enough to walk into CrossFit St. Charles.  After 22 years of triathlons and having just finished competing in my 13th Ironman triathlon I was burnt out and looking for a change in my life.  Most of my training partners had left the sport of triathlon, and as a social athlete I needed something new.

Timmy had been coming to workout with his son Brian for some time and invited me to the gym the month after I got back from Ironman.  Wow, what I didn’t know.  Mrs. Kim as always was cordial and made you feel like you belong.  With an athletic background she started me off right out of the gate with Baseline.  Yeah, I felt pretty good knocking that out (all engine and not strength), but it didn’t take long for reality to set in and the sport to humble me.  Having an engine to go 11 hours in a straight line didn’t correlate to being a well rounded athlete.  Kim didn’t beat around the bush by saying after a few quick tests, ” Wow you have zero lateral strength, you have been going in a straight line for 22 years!!”
Then the fun began, learning (and still learning) how to clean and snatch a bar, doing dubs, gymnastic movements, and how to efficiently move heavy objects with high heart rates.  But the most enjoyable part of the last five years has been our community.  Our coaches and athletes helped shape me from a gangly triathlete to a heavier crossfitter.  Yes, I may be significantly slower on the run, I can say Kim and CFSTC as created a more well rounded athlete.  CFSTC is my 2nd home, I love the people here, I love the opportunity to coach, and have enjoyed seeing all the other members progress over the five years here.
So thank you for the opportunity and I hope to reflect on 10 years here; 1,825 days from now.

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