
Affiliate Mash Up!
Affiliate Mash Up!

WOW! What a great couple of  weeks we’ve had!

Test Week was an absolute blast. We saw a ton of PR’s  in every workout especially the Total and Baseline. Test week PR’s are a testament to your hard work and commitment. It is a time to assess your training and skills and set new goals. We encourage you to log your workouts and weights for this very reason. Look back over your books and see what you have done. Are you happy with your results? What are your new goals?

Congratulations to Alex Leander, Jamie Wansing, Mark Whitson and Dusty Schmidt who competed in the “Battle of the Badges. These guys Gave it everything they had and still had enough energy for Alex’s going away party! Congrats to Dusty and Alex who took first and second.
Speaking of Alex’s party….I will NOT be posting those photos here! Thanks to all who came out to send Alex off in style. We sure are a fun and happy bunch but we’ll be happier when Alex gets back
Congratualtions to all our athletes and especially to Alan Bess. This was Alan's first competition and he and his team to FIRST PLACE!
Congratulations to all our athletes and especially to Alan Bess. This was Alan’s first competition and he and his team took FIRST PLACE!

Affiliate Mash Up- if you missed it, then you really missed it!
This Saturday athletes from four gyms convened at Crossfit Maryland Heights to complete in an Affiliate Mash Up. Members from Crossfit St. Charles, Crossfit Maryland Heights, Crossfit South City and Crossfit 70 took a leap of faith and let us decide their team mates! We had highly skilled athletes, intermediates and Freshies from different gyms all mashed up to create inclusive and spectacular teams. My favorite moments where when complete strangers informed me that they had never competed. There were plenty of people who have yet to do their first pull up or consistent double unders, yet there they were! When 321 Go sounded they busted it out with everything they had! It is amazing what friendly competition can do for the “uninitiated” There is a great sense of accomplishment from doing things you didn’t know you could do and a new determination to get those elusive skills.
These types of competitions are an opportunity to be a part of the greater community of Crossfit and experience a challenge just to see what you can do. This competition is designed so that all levels of athlete can participate. I am so proud of Alan, Sarah and Erin. Of our 10 athletes they were the Newbies to competition. They did an amazing job and learned about themselves. Here’s to many new adventures in the future!




Todays Adventures…

2 Minutes of double under practice.

Back Squat 8 Sets of 3 @60%
Rest 30-45 Seconds between sets

3 Rounds for time
50 Double Unders
12 Dead lifts (225/155)
21 Box Jumps (24/20)



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