Following the warm up you’ll have the rest of the class to accomplish the following. ย Depending on equipment requirements you may do the work in whatever order you wish.
A. ย Complete Six non-stop trips across the parking lot with the Prowler. ย Stopping in the middle is a no rep. ย Score = total weight “Prowler’d”. ย ย For example, if you push 100 lbs across the lot 2 times, then go into beast mode and push 250 for 4 trips, ย your score is ย 100×2 plus 250×4 = 1200.
B. Complete 5 rounds of the following barbell complex (75/45) ย Rest ย 90 seconds between rounds
6 reps each –
Bent Over Row
Hang Clean
Pogo Hop
Good Morning
Hang Snatch
Bicep Curl ย (Hell yea.. ย You know you love ’em!)