1.ย How long have you been with CrossFit St. Charles?
I think I have been a member for about eight months.
2. Favorite part about CrossFit, go!
Awesome coaches who push you even after you have decided to quit.ย Surrounded by awesome people who are all dedicated to giving it their all.
3.ย What is your favorite ย WOD?
Helen, running, kettle bells, and my favorite.ย Pull ups.
4.ย Whats a goal that you want to accomplish in the gym?
Consistent muscle ups and continuous hand stand pushups.
5.ย What are 2 things we might not already know about you?
I am an Eagle scout.ย I am originally from Chesapeake Virginia, I moved out here for school and to get closer to family.
6.ย Your favorite song comes on during a WOD, what is it?
Zero by the Yeah Yeah Yeahs
7. Batman vs Superman? Who wins and why?
I have yet to see the movie (maybe this weekend).ย In a fight… draw, they are both champions for good.ย In the end, I can see them realizing that they are on the same side and end the senseless squabble.ย Now that being said, I still favor Batman over Superman.ย Batman is human, he doesn’t have inherent super human abilities like Superman.ย Batman has to workout, he has to study, he has to strive to be the best of the best.ย If he slacks off, he will be killed by any one of the super villians trying to destroy Gotham.ย Superman can just do what ever he wants and still be able to punch a meteor out of the sky or catch a plane from crashing into the ground.ย Batman wins for being the most relatable.
8. What is your favorite CFSTC memory?
I have many awesome memories from this box.ย One of my utmost favorite memories however, was one morning class I didn’t finish the WOD within the prescribed times (wall balls took me out).ย So I decided to finish the WOD on my own (kind of like level up training today).ย The very end consisted of a boat load of burpees. The rest of the morning crew saw I was struggling to finish the burpees so they decided to join me with the final burpees to help push me through the exhaustion and finish the WOD.ย That was pretty awesome, the atmosphere is what keeps me coming back.
Each minute on the minute for 10 minutes:
Minute 1: 3 Speed Squats (Pause at bottom, explode up)
Minute 2: 4 Dumbbell Vertical Jumps
Complete as many rounds & reps possible in 8 minutes:
16 Jumping Lunges
16 Box Jump Overs, 24/20
Record scores completed to Train Heroic
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Festivus Games is coming! April 16th!
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