**Today is Bring A Friend Day! **
All CrossFit classes are free to try!
“Deck of Cards”
Number represents repetitions
Suit represents movement
Face cards = 10 reps
Aces = 1/2 Gasser
Hearts = Burpees
Diamonds = Sit-Ups
Spades = Kettlebell Swings (Russian), 55/35
Clubs = Goblet Squats, 55/35
Coach flips cards one at a time.
Entire class completes the repetitions before flipping the next card.
**Score is the time it takes your class to make it through the deck!**
YOGA w/ Sarah! Starts Friday August, 28@ 10am
Lift Up Autism September 19
Festivus Games Oct 17th! Hosted by yours truly at CFSTC!
Check out Whats for Dinner!