
I have know idea who was yelling “up!”


This past weekend I had the pleasure of competing in the USAPL Rivers Edge Powerlifting meet. It was a huge meet that lasted from 7am to midnight (I am not even kidding) It was an absolute blast! I got to hang out with some of the strongest people I know and lift stuff. What could be better?
During the last 12 weeks I learned a lot about myself as an athlete both mentally and physically. I’ve come out a lot stronger in both aspects. I learned (and am still learning) what it means to work hard.
Every Tuesday and Thursday I’d head to Maryland Heights to work out with a group of very inspiring people. We had a ton of fun and lifted a lot of heavy weight. I improved my squat, finally learned to bench press and lost my fear of the dead lift. I watched my partners attack the bar with enthusiasm and it made me stronger.
On these days, we all shared the same back squat bar. Because my weights were the lightest, I was always first on the platform. We had a lot of laughs but when you step on the platform there is work to be done. I always felt a sense of responsibility when it was my turn. I had to be strong, I had to set the tone for the rest of the lifts. No one cared that my weights were significantly lighter (and I DO mean significantly) they only cared that I gave it my best. When I’d finish my lift, I’d watch the weight creep onto the bar and everyone else would get their turn. Giving it everything they had, once again inspiring me to be better.
This is not earth shattering stuff, but if you are open to all that is good, it can change the way to think about things which in turn can change your life. The communities of support that we create or happen into both inside and outside our box are long reaching and strong. There is absolutely no way I would have made it to the end of the 12 weeks without the support of some people that at the time I barely knew.
The day of the meet was a blast. So much active waiting! The girls got there at 7am, started at 9:45 and finished around 4pm. Thats a long day. The boys got there at noon and finished at mindnight! Wow!  I barely ate and had to force myself to drink. I watched all the amazing athletes from Crossfit St. Charles and Crossfit Maryland Heights smash their lifts. This is an amazing bunch of women. I watched a 12 year old girl get her  bar placed on her back because she was to short for the squat rack. I watched a small man in 70s bench 187#.
My family came to watch. My oldest daughter Becca came with her boyfriend and got to see my PR back squat. My husband John and youngest Emily watched me bench press. I was pretty proud to have my girls in room full of strong women. I think they were proud of me too. Nothing is better than the support of your family. It meant so much to me! I’ll never forget the hug my husband gave me.

This whole event started with a phone call
him: Hey Kim, I want to talk to you about this powerlifting meet
me: You think I should do it don’t you?
him: Yes I do
me: (sigh) OK, Chris.

Was I the strongest person there? Nope. I PR’d my back squat, probably cheated myself with the bench and had a little mishap on the dead lift. What I did do was the best I could on that given day. I am much stronger than I was 12 weeks ago, which was my goal. I encourage anyone who is even remotely interested in doing a powerlifting comp. to give it a go.
After it was all done and the numbers were tallied…I took first in my division. That really makes me smile.



500m Row
40 Squats
30 Sit ups
20 Push Ups
10 Pull ups

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