Athlete of the Month-Dileep!

So proud of your progress looking forward to seeing whats next

Dileep was nominated as Athlete of the Month by his coaches. He has the Athlete Trifecta-
Hard working, Consistent, Coachable.

Plus, he has been such a positive addition to our CFStC family

1.    Tell us a little bit about yourself

I am Dileep. I graduated from Missouri S&T in 2018 and moved to the O’Fallon area for my job as a software engineer at Ungerboeck Software. I joined CFSTC in November 2019 and was hooked from the first day.

2.    What made you start CrossFit and what has kept you doing it?

I have been physically inactive for most of the last 5 years of my life. Just wanted to get fit and get in shape. Thanks to my roommate, he suggested we join a CrossFit Gym and luckily, we found CFSTC on google. To be honest I never thought I would last more than a month at any gym. But after Kim’s foundation classes and with support and encouragement I get from the coaches and everyone has kept me going.

3.    Has your motivation changed since you first started?

My motivation has only gone up since I started enjoying the workouts after a while. I especially feel very motivated when I see everyone around me, regardless of their age and athletic level, trying hard to do their best during the workouts.

4.    What have you learned since joining the CrossFit ST. Charles family?

A little encouragement and support from people around you make whatever you want to achieve a lot easier. I think I am lucky to have found CFSTC and doubt, I would have liked everybody as much as I do at a different gym.

5.    What is your favorite movement?

Rope climbs and anything with a barbell (Cleans, Dead lifts, Snatches) is fun…except thrusters.

6.    What impact has CF had on you outside of the gym?

Outside of the gym, CF has brought discipline and consistency to my life in many ways. I have never been more focused and productive at my job.

7.    What is your next CrossFit goal and how closer are you to reaching it?

I want to focus on increasing my strength to lift some heavy weights and want to get better at various gymnastic movements. I have a long way to go before I can say that I am happy with where I am at with these movements.

8.    What is something we might not know about you?

I LOVE riding Motorcycles. Let me know if anyone is up for a ride.

9. What advice might you give to someone who is concerning joining CFSTC or is new to the gym?

For someone new to the gym, stick to the grind for the first 2 months without thinking about your performance. Everything will start to feel better after that. And as for CFSTC, I doubt, anyone would find a better community. Everyone from coaches to members are very friendly, supportive and we have a strong community here!

10. What is the Dileep Motto?

Be happy with what you have and work towards what that you want. Never Complain. There is always someone who is in a worse situation than you.

11. If you could write your own WOD, what would it look like?

For Time

5 rounds:
15 cal bike
10 Power Cleans
3 rope climbs

That is an amazing work out Dileep!
We’ve been so blessed to have you as a part of the CFStC family.
We cannot wait to see what you’ll do next!

best fitness training classes at CrossFit St Charles

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