1. Tell us a little bit about yourself
I am a 56 year old business owner of 16 years. I am blessed with two incredible kids both of which are collegiate athletes, I have spent a lifetime continually pushing myself to achieve and improve, I am passionate and driven.
2. What made you start CrossFit and what has kept you doing it?
I was introduced to CF by my chiropractor 4 years ago, he was assisting me in peddling a bad knee at the time when he strongly suggested to give this new sport a try. I agreed and became instantly hooked. I trained at a box for six months when invariably I made the decision to have a full knee replacement. My entire incentive to daily fight the recovery was so I could return back to CF. I ultimately walked back into the box 8 months later and I have never left
3. Has your motivation changed since you first started?
Absolutely not, I liken CF to that one perfect shot on the golf course after a horrible round that dives you back …
CF is a scaleable training way of life for me. I have seasons were I am on and train enough and in the other seasons I can tailor back to allow other priorities in my life .
4. What have you learned since joining the CrossFit ST. Charles family?
Community, we are all rock eaters, whose lives are always in differing seasons, regardless of where we are individually were share a common drive in a one hour segment of our day .
5. What is your favorite movement?
Deadlifts, they’re singular in thought and literally explosive.
6. What impact has CF had on you outside of the gym?
On one level CF is an extension of my personal identity that extends outward and that allows others to Segway into conversation concerning there personal fitness goals.
7. What is your next CrossFit goal and how closer are you to reaching it?
One very powerful dynamic of CF is that the training can be fashioned to your current life style which for most of us is always evolving.
My current short term goal is to up my volume and see if I can have one more run at the CF games as a master.
8. What is something we might not know about you?
Life is challenging and I struggle…. professionally and personally just like everyone else