December AOTM: Brandie Collins


Words from Coach Jen:
When it come to her health, Brandie is committed on all levels. She is consistent with getting to the gym and always puts in 100% effort. She is a great partner and friend to have in a work out and always pushes herself. She is also a great role model for her daughter when it comes to fitness!
Words from Coach Michelle:
Brandie is so deserving of this.  As a working momma, and the wife of a busy, active husband she does what she needs to do to make herself a priority.  She doesn’t just “show up” she works SO hard every time she walks into the gym, holds herself accountable, and always supports her fellow members.  Brandie recently graduated from our nutrition program and has learned to fuel her body the proper way to help her excel not only in the gym but outside of the gym as well.  She made tremendous progress because she listened and gave it her full attention and effort.  I could say endless positive things about Brandie.  She is an inspiration to me as a mama, and I am SO proud of her accomplishments and cannot wait to see where she goes next!

Tell us a little bit about yourself
I’ve been doing Crossfit for 5 years now. Thanks to CFStC, at almost 35 years old, I feel like I’m in the best shape I’ve ever been in. My husband, Andrew Collins also has been attending CFSTC for 4 years now and we have a 7 year old daughter that we have proudly raised in the gym alongside us


What made you start CrossFit and what has kept you doing it?
I was asked by a coworker to try it out, and I thought, Why not? I’ve been hooked ever since. It has become something my husband and I do together and we’ve made it a part of our family routine..

Has your motivation changed since you first started?
Absolutely. I was always watching the scale and I’ve learned that there’s more to it than that. Now, rather than eating less and expecting the number on the scale to go down, I’m motivated to be healthy and eat to perform well in the gym and eat for energy.

What have you learned since joining the CrossFit St. Charles family?
You have to make working out a part of your life in order to stay consistent. Working out with great people is a bonus though! I’ve gained many friends at CFSTC!

What is your favorite movement?
I love handstand pushups and any kind of sit-ups.

What impact has CF had on you outside of the gym?
I feel that it has helped me build emotional resilience; to be able to push through and bounce back from tough situations, and it has helped me build more confidence.

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What is your next CrossFit goal and how closer are you to reaching it?
I’d love to get chest to bar! I feel like I’m so close, but my mental barrier gets in the way.

What’s something we might not know about you?
I grew up in Florida and met my husband when I was 17. We moved up here together in 2008.

What advice might you give to someone who is considering CrossFit?

If you wait until you’re whatever your definition of “in shape” is to start, you’ll never start. It truly is for everyone, and even if you feel that you have limitations, you will still get an awesome workout!

What is the Brandie motto?
“One day at a time”

If you could write your own WOD, what would it look like?
It would be “Filthy Fifty” or “Dirty Thirty” -style workout because I love chippers with lots of movements that don’t repeat. Definitely with some handstand pushups, devils presses, lunges, situps, and a barbell.

What are two of your favorite songs?
Ed Sheeran “Bad Habits” and one of my all time favorites is “Strawberry Wine” by Deana Carter (love the 90s classics!)

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