He’s not just a CrossFitter, he’s also one strong powerlifter with a ton of experience! Meet coach Chris Glover! With up to six certifications, has been coaching for atleast 10 years and still likes to do a nice 500lbs deadlift every now and then. Read all about him in our interview with him below!
1. What is your experience/ background in fitness and exercise?
NASM – CPT, Crossfit Level-2, Crossfit KB cert, CrossFit Olympic Lifting, USAW, CrossFit Adaptive Athlete, USAPL State Champion Powerlifter.
2. How and when did you discover CrossFit?
In 2006. Istarted using CrossFit for my own training and my personal training clients.
3. What are you most passionate about when it comes to CrossFit?
I love helping people realize their goals as well as perform things they never thought they could do.
4. Why did you become a CF coach?
Started coaching at CFSTC in 2009 or 2010, opened CFMH in 2012.
5. What’s a big lesson you’ve learned from being a coach?
Fitness isn’t a cookie cutter, everyone needs it but in their own specific way.
6. What do you think is the most important part of being a coach?
Keeping my athletes safe, properly challenged and highly functioning.
7. What’s your favorite part about being a coach?
I love leading classes and being with the members. Learning about their lives and needs. I also love programming, listening to the needs of the people and devising a plan to help get them where they want to be.
8. What do you hope to do for others as a coach?
Invite them into the community and help them reach the highest level of functionality \ athletic performance they possibly can.
If you’re looking to get serious with your lifting or strength then look no further to Chris and make sure to try one of his killer workouts in the 10:00 AM open gym!
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