Lauren Popkey

Tell us a little bit about yourself
- I graduated college at the end of 2022 and just moved back to St. Charles in June. I have started my career in healthcare and absolutely love it. I love to be outside, go on walks, and travel!
What made you start CrossFit and what has kept you doing it?
- I started CrossFit because I love the group exercise atmosphere and wanted to challenge myself to start something new. I’ve kept with it because I can continuously see myself improving and being capable of more. There is also so much variation in the workouts that I never get tired of the classes.
Has your motivation changed since you first started?
- Yes. I feel much more motivated and I have a community around me that motivates me even more.
What have you learned since joining the CrossFit St. Charles family?
- That CrossFit is truly for everyone. Everyone at CFSTC is there to move and motivate. Because of the coaches and people I know that I am so much more capable of what I thought the first time I walked in.
What is your favorite movement?
- Squat cleans and burpees.
What impact has CF had on you outside of the gym?
- Making good choices outside of the gym helps me stay in the gym and in the swing of it. Making sure I’m drinking enough water, getting electrolytes in, and stretching or rolling out is the key!! Walking and active recovery goes a long way too.
What is your next CrossFit goal and how close are you to reaching it?
- Handstand push-ups, I can do negatives but I want to work on kipping and Rx.
What’s something we might not know about you?
- I love Blues Hockey
What advice might you give to someone who is considering joining CFSTC or is new to the gym?
- Be optimistic and stick with it. Being active and being in the gym has been such a positive outlet for me. Being able to move your body is such a blessing so take advantage of it. Set goals for yourself and once you achieve them, set new ones!
What is the Lauren Motto?
- Some of the coaches can probably attest to this but I always say “okay I’ll try!” I’m newer to CrossFit and a lot of the movements so if they suggest something the worst I can do I fail (and I’ll probably laugh a little) but I’m gonna go again and give it my all. If I can’t do it, I have a goal right in front of me of something I want to work at.
If you could write your own WOD, what would it look like?
- 200m runs, cleans, and burpee over bar.
What are two of your favorite songs?
- I don’t think I can narrow it down to a couple songs but I love Surface’s music, it’s my day to day music, but in the gym you can’t go wrong with a Big Booty Remix by Two Friends.