The First St. Louis Affiliate Cup

We quickly outgrew that space over the gymnastic studio and found ourselves at Jason Court where we would spend the next 11 years.

We spend a lot of time with the folks at CF Valley Park and CFTNT. There weren’t a lot of CrossFitters back then so we tended to throw down together. 

CFStC hosted a weekly event called “Competition Sundays” I invited anyone who wanted to come out and compete against each other. We’d program a workout, usually a “Girl” or something fairly short. Throw on the timer and take off. These were some fun times. I got to meet so many different people. I’d never know who would walk through the door. 

The other affiliates wanted to bring this fun atmosphere to all the gyms and thus, “The St. Louis Affiliate Cup” was born. The first host was CF Valley Park

There were only about 5 CrossFit gyms in the area at the time. Each gym brought 2 teams, 1 Rx’d and 1 Scaled. I believe what separated the divisions was the ability to do pull ups. Not many women could do them at the time.

We put our two teams together and waited. Back then the wods were never pre-announced. You just showed up. This was the way of CrossFit. Be prepared for the unknown and unknowable.

Show up, learn the WOD, 3…2…1…GO!

We had no expectations but we were going to have fun.

The backs of their shirts said

“The Rumors are True”

Turns out our team was stacked!

We had Jen Leander, Ingrid Hurley, Chad Heflin and a member named Rich who’s last name escapes me.

Our team went in strong and stayed strong.

One of the events was a 500m row. I never realized how exciting this event could be. The whole gym erupted with cheers as each heat started. There were no barriers back then, we were surrounding the athletes with cheers.

After each wod the teams would hang out with all the other teams. They had no idea what the next wod was so there was nothing to fret about.

There was no drama and no warming up.

The final wod of the day was a team “Helen”. I cannot remember the specifics but our girls crushed it. 

The competition was free to everyone and CF Valley Park provided lunch and water. It was grilled chicken and veggies. Somebodies Dad was at the grill.

The atmosphere was electric. Everyone cheered for everyone. Judges were pulled out of the crowd as needed. No one complained. 

I was so filled with pride for both the CFStC teams. To put themselves on a stage and tested their hard work and skills in front of an entire crowd took bravery.

I can’t remember which teams took second and third place but I certainly remember who took first!

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I remember looking up at that number one team and seeing the expression on Jen Leander’s face. 

It was a mix of shock and sheer joy. 
I think she was giggling

We took that hard earned trophy and went to dinner. Found a local place and sat outside. 

You guessed it. We drank beer out of that cup. 

It leaked and ruined the wood base. 

Years later Dan from Valley Park told me that we had to replace the base of the Affiliate Cup trophy. Somehow it had gotten wet. 

I had to tell him the truth. 

The rumors were true!

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