You’ve been here a bit; we’ve loved every minute of it. But maybe now it’s time to think outside The Box. Are there things you could be doing outside of the gym to help you improve and meet your goals inside? If you are not getting the results you want in your workouts, you might need to look at your nutrition.
If you are dragging and slow during a WOD with 400 meter runs in it and then we hear you’ve only had two meals a day, that is not enough food to support your workout.
If you are feeling sick during your workout and ate greasy burgers and beer the night before, your nutrition is not supporting your workout.
If you can’t do a pull-up even though you have the form down, you may need to increase muscle, which means changing your nutrition.
There are so many reasons to take a look at your nutrition. We have been taught a lot of inaccurate things about nutrition, but at CrossFit St. Charles, we believe the purpose of nutrition is to help you feel and function better.
Eating enough food, eating foods that build muscle, and decreasing foods that cause inflammation in your body will help you work to the best of your ability in the gym and outside.
Feel free to ask any of our coaches about your nutrition.
Or even better, set up a nutrition consultation with Coach Jessie.
Jessie offers a body positive, science-based approach that includes several different levels of support with accountability and personalized planning. All the options can be found on our website!