
“Heay Day” 
EMOM x 5 minutes
3 Overhead Squats, Climb or Across
Rest 3 minutes
EMOM x 5 minutes
3 Front Squats, Climb or Across
Rest 3 minutes
EMOM x 5 minutes
3 Back Squats, Climb or Across

If feeling good and technique is sound, go heavy. If need to work on form, stay across and find intensity in good movement.
If competing this weekend, go across and stay light.

Box News
St. Chuck Ruck August 20th! 7:00am @ Klondike Park!
Competition Saturday! August 26th @9:00am at CFSTC!
BRING A FRIEND WEEK! 8/28-9/1 All Classes, Free for a friend to try one time. Ask a coach for details!

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