What is Willpower?

Willpower is the biggest muscle in the body. Everyone is born with it. The size of your willpower is unique to you just like the size of your bicep or your quads. Some people have the ability to develop it with what seems like little effort. Others have to work hard. Either way, Willpower is a muscle that grows strong with attention and dedication regardless of the person. Just like squats, push ups and pull ups it must be trained. Perfect practice makes perfect Willpower.

It’s like when  new athletes come into the gym and say “I can’t do a pull up” and I say “Yet”
Then after a few months (results vary) of practicing pulling movements, the pull up is achieved.
Time, attention, dedication. The basis of success.  

Identify things that you have “no willpower” over. For me it’s Tostitos. Just the sight of that bag makes me want to bust it open, find some guacamole and eat it until I’m sick. It’s a purely mindless action.
I have a plan now, a plan to get me through the holidays. The plan is to train my willpower by saying no to Tostitos. Seem too simple? It is, and it’s supposed to be simple. Say it out loud, write it down and stick to it. It’s just as simple as picking up weight and setting it down, over and over to strengthen the Deadlift. Simple but not always easy. If it were easy there would be no gain.

I’m gonna dead lift the hell out of those Tostitos!
-Coach Kim 

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