Thursday – Level Up Training

Olympic Weightlifting
Power Clean + Hang Clean (knee) + Power Jerk + Clean + Jerk Dip + Jerk
60% x 1 set
70% x 4 sets

A. 5 sets:
8 Half Kneeling Single Arm Arnold Press (Each)
8 Single Arm Bent Over Row, each

Rest 20-30 seconds between sets. Hold the top of each rep for 2 seconds and slowly lower back to the start.

B. Strict Press
3 x 6 reps @3002 , use 60% 1RM

“2 Cindys On A Boat” (Teams of 2)
For time:
For time:
Row 1000m
8 rounds of Cindy
Row 800m
6 rounds of Cindy
Row 600m
4 rounds of Cindy
Row 400m
2 rounds of Cindy

Cindy is:
5 Pull ups
10 Push ups
15 Air Squats

Only one partner working at a time
Partners will split the rowing distance in halft. Partners will complete full rounds of Cindy before switching.
Must complete one exersice before moving on.

Box News
Bring a Friend Day May 18th!
Memorial Day Murph WOD & Potluck May 29th @9:00am

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