
Anthony & OB-1! (Stefany)
Anthony & OB-1! (Stefany)

CrossFit Games Open WOD 16.3

Complete as many rounds and reps possible in 7 minutes:
10 Power Snatch, 75/55
3 Bar Muscle Up

Post times to Train Heroic


*Coach Ben’s Open Tips*
This will be a fun one! 7 minutes is a shorter time domain so that means intensity will have to remain high throughout this one. However, its going to be imperative to make sure we don’t fail any reps on the Bar Muscle Up. Stick to a game plan from the start, if Bar MU are a strength for you, move smooth and catch a breath at the top of each muscle up. If they are a weakness, start with singles off the bat. Once they go away, they are hard to get back. Move smooth through the snatch, but do your best to not break these up too much, its a light weight that is meant to be moved easily. Sets of 7/3 or 6/4 is all I would do to break these up, if needed. Efficient is smooth and smooth is fast on this one, lets have some fun!

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