

Perfect Practice

The saying is “practice makes perfect” but the truth is “perfect practice makes perfect”When we were kids in school, we did as we were told. We went through the movements of writing our letters without much thought and eventually understanding and muscle memory taught us how to write.As adults, we already know how to read and write. When we learn something it takes desire and mindfulness. We simply cannot just go through the movements, we must be aware of what and why we are doing things.
The things that jump quickly to mind are, in order of importance,  Mobility, Gymnastics and Olympic weightlifting.
In order to improve in each there must be a dedication to perfect practice. Just going through the movements has limited returns, at best and dangerous at worst.
There must be an attention to detail and thoughtfulness when you train(strength/skill) so that you maintain the best possible form when you workout(WOD). This will give you intention to your training and ultimately better results.
Take a cue from the best CrossFit athletes. In competition their reps are perfect because they practice perfect reps.  You don’t have to be a Games athlete, perfect practice is done within an individuals work capacity.  If your 75# clean is beautiful then you are working within your capacity and have potential for progress. If you can do a 95# ugly starfished clean with a crappy rack position, well…what have you earned?

As we head into the next week of  training and working out, pay attention to what you are doing and how it will lead to your progress. Your coaches will tell you what to do and teach you how to do it, you just have to commit to Perfect Practice.

Warm up
10 gassers 1-1/2 min rest between efforts

4  RFT
2 rope climbs
3 Front squats at 205/135
3-1 rope pulls
Front Squats (185/115) (155/95)

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