Thursday-Level Up

Hang Snatch, 5×3, 75% 1RM
Do 3 sets without letting the bar touch the ground.
Do 2 sets where you drop & re-set each rep

EMOMx10 minutes
Minute 1: 3 Speed Squats, 40-50% 1RM BS
Minute 2: 4 Box Jumps, go as high as able

5-10-15 reps for time:
Overhead Squat, 135/95
*5 Burpee Box Jump Over after each set.

30 seconds on, 30 seconds off for 4 sets each:
Slamball Russian Twist, 30/20
Slamball Sit up, 30/20 (straight arm)

5 sets
3 Glute Ham Raise
6 Speed Dumbbell Lunges, you choose weight

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Box News
CFSTC Intramural Banquet Sunday May 1st, 5pm @ Bemo’s in Cottelville! 
See Whats For Dinner?
SAMinar coming May 14th! Learn from Games Athlete, Sam Dancer!
Click here for info on the St. Chuck Ruck on May 15th! Gonna be a blast!

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